Friday, December 3, 2010

Tis the Season! 12/3/10

Dec 3, 2010

Cold and flu season that is! When everybody in our house was sick I kept taking my immune booster and EmergenC and managed to avoid it. Now that everybody is better I'm not feeling so good! I read somewhere that you're often vulnerable when you've been going, going, going, and then you finally get a break. When everybody else was sick I couldn't stop for even a second! Well, now I had a chance to come out of "burn out" mode, but it was too late, I'm already burnt out! haha I'm still having mostly sleepless nights with the little man, and when I don't get enough rest my chronic fatigue really starts to set in. But I have to stay on track! Stopping altogether will ONLY make it worse! I used to fall in that trap all too often. It's very important to listen to your body, but you have to know your body well. Am I fatigued because I'm sick and truly need rest or is it my chronic fatigue. The best way to combat chronic fatigue is to be active!! I admit I even scoffed at that idea before I knew what I know now. I said "they just can't possibly understand how tired I am, so how can they say moving will help?" Believe me I KNOW how tired you feel if you suffer from chronic fatigue. I KNOW it feels like you can't possibly take a walk - let alone work out. BUT YOU CAN, and you should! You will feel so much better and will be thankful you did! Modify it if you need to, but get it done!

So that's where I am right now. I've had to modify my workouts the past couple of days. Less reps, take it down a notch. Yesterday I had pleurisy pain, so it hurt to breathe, so I just took it one step at a time telling myself to JUST START. And most of the time just starting is all I need to do to finish! Even if I had to modify, I got it done! I often have to modify for other reasons - like my 7 month old. He's in love with me, which is fun, but he doesn't like to be away from me - even if "away" means 3 feet away. haha So I often hold him during my workouts (when the moves are safe for that, of course). This is another reason I'm thankful I'm doing Power 90 right now since they are shorter workouts. Generally by the time he decides he absolutely NEEDS me, I'm almost done with the workout! I feel much more accomplished this time around! :) And I'm already seeing results! It's great! No gaining weight over the holidays! Instead I'll be getting closer and closer to my goal of getting back into those pre-pregnancy jeans for good! :) Don't fall into that trap this holiday season! Just stick to it, watch your portions, and enjoy time with your family and friends! The better you care for yourself the more holidays you'll have to enjoy with them!

Speaking of workouts, now is a good time for me to do mine! Be blessed!


  1. ;~~ i was reading this same blog topic from another blog, i guess this topic is getting popular -'"

  2. I just imported this from my other blog so perhaps you were reading my other blog! :)
