Friday, December 10, 2010

Power 90: 30 day update 12/10/10

Dec 10, 2010

So I've had a few people tell me I look like I've lost more of the baby weight, but I have to admit I personally didn't see it! I'm so glad I'm taking photos and measurements because it really puts the results into perspective! Unfortunately I don't have 30 day pictures because my photographer (my husband) had to be admitted to the hospital for his final few days of chemotherapy. He is doing ok but was feeling too sick to keep riding back and forth to the hospital. It is right in DC so sometimes it could take almost 2 hours to get there even though it's less than 30 miles away! He'll get to come home on Monday, and his chemo will be OVER!! Praise the Lord! Monday can't come soon enough! He had a CT scan a few weeks ago which showed no more tumor! God is so good! :) So I have a valid reason to not have photos, but hopefully we'll capture a few next week even though it will be a little late!

Overall Power 90 has been great for me! I still have some workout interruptions via the little man, but *most* of the time I can eek through to the end! I'm still on Cardio 1-2 as it does take me a little longer to move up levels in Cardio, but today I moved onto Circuit 3-4. The push-ups are SURELY my weak point, but I'm pleasantly surprised by how many I CAN do!! :) I'm so excited!! And I'm excited to share my results! These are my measurements since Starting Power 90, so these are obviously in addition to the results I got from Slim in 6. Not much longer until I'll be in my pre-(3rd) pregnancy jeans, and I even think I'll be back into my pre-(1st) pregnancy jeans by the end of Power 90!! That would be awesome! And yep, I'm actually going to give my weight and measurements instead of just inches lost! haha I'm feeling brave!

30 Days into Power 90
Weight: 138lbs (down 4 lbs)
Waist: 33.5in (lost 1.5 inches)
Hips: 38.75in (lost 1.25 inches)
Arms: 11.75in (lost .25 inches)
Thighs: 22.5in (lost 1.5 inches)

WOOO HOOOO!! I'm SO close to most of my goals! But realistically my goals are not an end to my transformation but a beginning to maintaining a healthy lifestyle! :)


  1. I think am just having some problems with subscribing to RSS feed here.

  2. Thank-you for the feedback! I have added a "Subscribe" button. I hope this helps! :)
