Today we began our first 10-Day Challenge! It is a "Slim Down" challenge. I was super excited to kick it off, and I can't wait to hear everyone's results! For the 10-Day Challenge all participants have agreed to work out on all 10 days, eat healthy, and replace one meal a day with Shakeology. We took our weights and measurements on Sunday and began the challenge yesterday! I was so proud to hear of everyone's commitment to the challenge! I set up a private Facebook group for our challenge group for support, encouragement, and accountability. I did a webinar to help them set up their
Free Team Beachbody Account so everybody has a chance to win cash and prizes for logging their workouts in WOWY Super Gym as well as connecting on the message boards and using the great tools to track their goals. I am really excited to see what this week brings and the results! Participants are not required to use a Beachbody Program, though we have a couple doing
Body Gospel and one doing
Yoga Booty Ballet. I know they'll love them, and it totally takes the guesswork out of it because all programs come with a recommended schedule! All participants were provided with a meal plan, the support group as well as a special group on our forum, and fitness ideas as well as my continued support for the challenge and beyond! The winner will be the one who loses the most weight based on percentage of weight lost (so it's an even playing field). They will get their choice of a free fitness program, a winner's t-shirt, some
Protein Bars, and more! All participants will get a certificate to recognize their accomplishments as well as a couple of small prizes for those that complete the challenge as required! Are you ready to take your fitness to the next level and challenge yourself? Our next challenge is going to be a Fitness Challenge, so if you want to get on board and register early
Contact Me!So where am I on this journey? I wasn't going to take my measurements until I was halfway done with
RevAbs but I know it would only be fair if I hold myself accountable to the group for the 10-Day Challenge. I'm so much closer to my goals than I realized!
My current stats:
Weight - 128lbs (only 1lb short of my goal!)
Waist - 30.5in (Goal is 27in)
Hips - 37.2in (Only 0.2 in short of my goal!)
Chest - 34.8in (I don't quite have a goal set for this right now since I am still nursing - it varies by the hour! haha)
Arms - 11.5in (I've reached my goal!) :)
Thighs - 22.2in (Only 0.2in short of my goal!)
Body Fat - 20.1% (healthy range!)
I'm so glad I took before weights and measurements back in September when I started changing my lifestyle with fitness and Shakeology! Here is my current comparison:
Starting Weight: 148lbs (down 20lbs)
Starting Waist: 37in (down 6.5 inches!)
Starting Hips: 40.2in (down 3.2 in)
Starting Chest: 37.8in (down 3 in, but again, lactation has the most to do with this!)
Starting Arms: 12.5in (down 1 in each)
Starting thighs: 24.2in (down 2 in each)
My Body Fat % wasn't calculated until February, but in just over 2 months I went from 26.1% to 20.1%! 6%!!
These are results! I still have a ways to go to tone up the c-section traumatized belly, but it seems so much more possible and "real" than it did before! And I ultimately still think about how I accepted defeat a couple of years ago when I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, and today I'm considering registering for my first 5K next month! I am forever grateful and blessed that God provided this opportunity in His always perfect timing! Even more I feel blessed to help others! I'm looking forward to the results of this challenge and for the challenges to come! :)
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