Monday, September 20, 2010

Sharing my journey

I am transporting my former blog to share my full journey! Most of my former blogs are of  a personal nature (my personal journey), which I will continue to include as well as blogs with helpful content.

Sept 20, 2010

I have decided to start a separate blog for my fitness journey. I feel so blessed to have been introduced to the Beachbody opportunity to improve both my physical and financial fitness! I am dedicating my fitness journey to honor God by taking care of His temple (my body), taking care of my family (including the dogs), and fighting Fibromyalgia. FMS (Fibromyalgia syndrome) is very complex and can be very limited. I have definitely experienced this. I went from being an athlete to hardly being able to do anything at all. But I CAN and WILL fight it - by training my body to be fit and in good health! I hope to inspire others (with or without FMS) to do the same! I'm looking forward to sharing my journey and to the positive results I KNOW I'm going to get!
Today I started "Slim in 6." I'm very excited about this program! After reviewing everything I had available I decided this was the best way to start up. It was 3 different levels, which is perfect for someone like me! If I push myself too hard (as I've been known to do), I can experience severe Fibro flares and have a setback for WEEKS. So I have to be realistic with myself and know my body. "Slim in 6" gives me that opportunity! If I'm having a "bad" day, I can always go back to disc 1. I wouldn't feel guilty about that because I'd still be working out and putting forth my best effort. It is important to remember that you should be proud of your work if you know you're doing YOUR best! Everybody's "best" is different! We all come from different backgrounds and situations. My current status is being a 4 month postpartum breastfeeding mom (with 2 older kids) with a chronic pain disorder. And I'm ready to drop the rest of the baby weight and get in the best shape of my life and have more pain-free days! I am disciplining myself to a schedule. It's a new schedule I never thought I'd even try, but I'm motivated!! :) I know if I continue to honor God by taking care of my body, He will continue to provide me with the energy and strength I need to do so! And so I woke up before the kids to start my workout this morning! And I've set alarms on my phone to eat on a strict schedule as well to get my metabolism to its full potential.

I have also decided to kick off this 6 week workout with a 6 day jump-start meal plan. I chose the high protein jump-start plan due to the fact that I'm breastfeeding. Although I plan to stick specifically to the foods listed on the plan, I do have to take into account that I AM breastfeeding, which already burns an extra 500 calories. I obviously want to lose the baby weight, but I have to take in sufficient calories to feed my baby! The important thing is making those calories count! So I'm going to *slightly* increase the portions advised in the jump-start plan. That should give me the calories I need to keep my little guy fed and burn off this baby fat around my belly! I'll admit I'll be happy when the 6 days is over and I can eat more of a variety again! haha But this is also a good way to discipline my eating habits and get me on the right track to continue then with a healthy diet (with more variety haha).

I'm very excited to be on this journey and to be sharing it with others! I'm here to help and support others as well! Please let me know how I can help YOU! :)

For more information on me, personally, check out my personal blog at God bless!!

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