Thursday, December 30, 2010

End of the Year 12/30/10

Dec 30, 2010

I hit the ground running this week! I hopped right into Power 90 Sculpt 3-4, Cardio 3-4 (1st time! Yay!), and Ab Ripper 200. Woo hoo! I refuse to throw this week away and wait until the new year! I did take an unusual off day today because no mater how many times I tried to start little man wasn't having it. So I'll just make the adjustment to switch my off day! :)

I'm still toying with my meal schedule some. For most I would NOT recommend a snack (even a healthy one) before bed. Your last meal/snack should be finished at least 3 hrs before you go to bed. My little man is waking every 2-3 hrs to nurse (yes even at 8 months old, though it is more to go back to sleep than to eat). I'm finding just drinking extra water isn't helping the drained feeling I get by that 2-3am feeding. Sure a lot of it is the lack of sleep, but I had a hunch I may need an extra boost to sutain my supply and overall strength, so I have added a small (less than 200) calories to my existing plan in the evening about 2 hrs before I go to bed, and it's definitely what I needed! I can more easily drudge through these overnight nursing sessions and still be heading for my goals! :-) As always, making sure I get plenty of water How are you sustaining your health and fitness goals this week? Don't treat it like a break! Think of it as the home stretch! A chance to end the year strong and start the new year with the momentum already in place! Go for it! :-)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Power 90: 30 day update 12/10/10

Dec 10, 2010

So I've had a few people tell me I look like I've lost more of the baby weight, but I have to admit I personally didn't see it! I'm so glad I'm taking photos and measurements because it really puts the results into perspective! Unfortunately I don't have 30 day pictures because my photographer (my husband) had to be admitted to the hospital for his final few days of chemotherapy. He is doing ok but was feeling too sick to keep riding back and forth to the hospital. It is right in DC so sometimes it could take almost 2 hours to get there even though it's less than 30 miles away! He'll get to come home on Monday, and his chemo will be OVER!! Praise the Lord! Monday can't come soon enough! He had a CT scan a few weeks ago which showed no more tumor! God is so good! :) So I have a valid reason to not have photos, but hopefully we'll capture a few next week even though it will be a little late!

Overall Power 90 has been great for me! I still have some workout interruptions via the little man, but *most* of the time I can eek through to the end! I'm still on Cardio 1-2 as it does take me a little longer to move up levels in Cardio, but today I moved onto Circuit 3-4. The push-ups are SURELY my weak point, but I'm pleasantly surprised by how many I CAN do!! :) I'm so excited!! And I'm excited to share my results! These are my measurements since Starting Power 90, so these are obviously in addition to the results I got from Slim in 6. Not much longer until I'll be in my pre-(3rd) pregnancy jeans, and I even think I'll be back into my pre-(1st) pregnancy jeans by the end of Power 90!! That would be awesome! And yep, I'm actually going to give my weight and measurements instead of just inches lost! haha I'm feeling brave!

30 Days into Power 90
Weight: 138lbs (down 4 lbs)
Waist: 33.5in (lost 1.5 inches)
Hips: 38.75in (lost 1.25 inches)
Arms: 11.75in (lost .25 inches)
Thighs: 22.5in (lost 1.5 inches)

WOOO HOOOO!! I'm SO close to most of my goals! But realistically my goals are not an end to my transformation but a beginning to maintaining a healthy lifestyle! :)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Tis the Season! 12/3/10

Dec 3, 2010

Cold and flu season that is! When everybody in our house was sick I kept taking my immune booster and EmergenC and managed to avoid it. Now that everybody is better I'm not feeling so good! I read somewhere that you're often vulnerable when you've been going, going, going, and then you finally get a break. When everybody else was sick I couldn't stop for even a second! Well, now I had a chance to come out of "burn out" mode, but it was too late, I'm already burnt out! haha I'm still having mostly sleepless nights with the little man, and when I don't get enough rest my chronic fatigue really starts to set in. But I have to stay on track! Stopping altogether will ONLY make it worse! I used to fall in that trap all too often. It's very important to listen to your body, but you have to know your body well. Am I fatigued because I'm sick and truly need rest or is it my chronic fatigue. The best way to combat chronic fatigue is to be active!! I admit I even scoffed at that idea before I knew what I know now. I said "they just can't possibly understand how tired I am, so how can they say moving will help?" Believe me I KNOW how tired you feel if you suffer from chronic fatigue. I KNOW it feels like you can't possibly take a walk - let alone work out. BUT YOU CAN, and you should! You will feel so much better and will be thankful you did! Modify it if you need to, but get it done!

So that's where I am right now. I've had to modify my workouts the past couple of days. Less reps, take it down a notch. Yesterday I had pleurisy pain, so it hurt to breathe, so I just took it one step at a time telling myself to JUST START. And most of the time just starting is all I need to do to finish! Even if I had to modify, I got it done! I often have to modify for other reasons - like my 7 month old. He's in love with me, which is fun, but he doesn't like to be away from me - even if "away" means 3 feet away. haha So I often hold him during my workouts (when the moves are safe for that, of course). This is another reason I'm thankful I'm doing Power 90 right now since they are shorter workouts. Generally by the time he decides he absolutely NEEDS me, I'm almost done with the workout! I feel much more accomplished this time around! :) And I'm already seeing results! It's great! No gaining weight over the holidays! Instead I'll be getting closer and closer to my goal of getting back into those pre-pregnancy jeans for good! :) Don't fall into that trap this holiday season! Just stick to it, watch your portions, and enjoy time with your family and friends! The better you care for yourself the more holidays you'll have to enjoy with them!

Speaking of workouts, now is a good time for me to do mine! Be blessed!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Update overdue 11/11/10

November 11, 2010

Wow, I really need to update more often! Things in our house have been CRAZY!! So I wrapped up Slim in 6, but all in all I didn't follow the program the way it suggests, so although I didn't get the results I was wanting as far as my weight and measurements go, it is because of me and not the program. I think it's an excellent program, and if I didn't have an extremely demanding infant or had to spend HOURS in the car driving to and from the hospital for my husband's chemotherapy treatment, I do believe I would have gotten excellent results. I mean look at the results I had in just that first week, and that was the only week I did every workout COMPLETELY as well as the Slim and 6 pack and Slim and Limber 3 times as well. I was SO excited when I was able to move up a disk, but with each disk I moved up the time of the workout increased, and sometimes I was lucky to even get 20 min of an over 60 min workout in! And the extra workouts?? Well, yeah, that wasn't happening either. As my husband was being affected by the chemo the kids were responding as well and demanding more of my attention. I'm not discouraged, and although I'm slightly disappointed (because I'm always one to question did *I* REALLY give it all I had), I think realistically I did what I could in the circumstances given. The most important thing is - I never gave up. If 20 minutes was all I could get in then I was going to get in those 20 minutes. If I had to incorporate my baby into the workout as my "baby barbell," well I did that a few times, too! :)

But the biggest reason I refuse to be disappointed? Because I FEEL GREAT! I'm getting hardly any sleep these nights, and for someone with Fibromyalgia that is almost inevitably a "prepare to be in pain" sentence. But I'm not. It's awesome! I'm considering tapering off of the one last medication I am on, but as of now I still have doctors insisting I take more let alone support me in getting off of this last one. I'm hoping to work my way through the system until I find one that is supportive of my choices. ;) The only thing I won't stop is drinking my Shakeology! When I miss a day, my energy tapers off quickly! But hey, I'm all for sticking with something so healthy and natural to get me through the day! LOVE it! I watched the movie "Food Matters," and it was REALLY an eye-opener! If you haven't seen it yet, I highly suggest it! You can instantly stream it on Netflix!

So even though my physical results aren't exactly what I had hoped, you can definitely see some changes, so I thought I'd share my "before" and "after" pics on here! I think next time I'll put on make-up and do my hair! haha I started Power 90 this week, so that is the next program on my journey, and I think it is perfect for this season of my life! The longest workout is 44 minutes. I haven't had to cut one short yet, and I'm feeling good! I'm actually a little sore from it! haha Totally different type of moves, and I think that change plus lack of sleep make me a little more susceptible to it, but I'll still take slight muscle aches from a workout over a Fibro flare any day!! I can't wait to see the results this program brings! I'll be taking measurements and photos every 30 days for the total 90 days. It's gonna be good! :) Until next time, be blessed!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

30-day Update 10/21/10

Oct 21, 2010

So yesterday was my 30-day update. I didn't know about my measurements, but I knew one thing for sure, I feel SO much better than I did 30 days ago! And although I do still have some baby weight to lose and some lax ab muscles to tighten up after a third c-section, I realized I am more happy with the results of how I feel right now! I have had few to NO flair ups from my Fibromyalgia, and I couldn't be happier! If you would have told me a year ago that I could have this many pain-free days, I probably would've laughed at you! Terrible, I know! I just gave in to the fact that I have a chronic pain disorder and would just have to "live with it." I serve a God that heals, and I wasn't even taking care of my "temple" as I should have been! DON'T EVER SUBMIT TO SICKNESS!!! I can't emphasize that enough! I was also born with a heart defect that was repaired 12 years ago, and it is very easy to get "out of shape" due to my enlarged heart. I am THRILLED to report my resting pulse has gone down 10BPM!! 10!!! It's like a "normal" resting pulse now! :) My husband is currently going through chemotherapy, and it is grueling on his body and has made him very sick, but I can only imagine how much more sick he would be if he wasn't staying active and getting the nutrients his body needs - SO thankful for Shakeology! And I'm so thankful he is inspiring and encouraging others through their cancer treatment! His next chemotherapy week resumes on Monday. So that means another week of chaos for our family, but I'm gonna face it head-on and prepared! I do feel like I could have even better results at this point if I hadn't gotten so out of routine. But that's how it is, so it's time to move on! Just keep looking forward!! Learn from your experiences and move on!

So, moving on... haha Feeling great is AWESOME! I can't wait to continue on this wonderful journey! But I know people want to know about the weight and measurements! haha I am now almost 6 months post-partum with our 3rd child - and 3rd c-section, so I do still have some baggage to lose even though I am considered within my "average" weight for my height. I have quite a bit more to lose (and tone) around my waist, but I can happily say the saddle bags (or muffin top, love handles, or whatever you call it) are GONE! YES!!! I have reached my goal measurements for my arms, and still have a bit to go on my thighs (and rear haha). I obviously didn't expect to reach all my goals in 30 days, of course, so I'm happy I reached some already!

It's important to remember it's about the measurements - how do your pants fit, how do you feel, how do you look, etc. The scale can be your enemy when you look at it alone. And many breastfeeding moms will tell you they can't lose those last 5lbs until their baby's wean. Especially if you have a smaller frame as I do, your body may hold on to 5-10lbs which is your body's way of producing the milk necessary to feed your little one. Let's face it - to produce milk we obviously have some extra fluid to produce it! If you're like me, then you're little one comes first, so if that means the scale shows 5-10lbs more, you know your little one is getting plenty of eat (and tons of nutrition because you're eating right, right?) ;) I did drop 2 more lbs, so yay!! :) But I'm totally focusing on my measurements, and I like where they're going! Woo hoo!! My ultimate goal is to get back into the jeans I wore before I was pregnant with our first! So I have a ways to go to get to that goal, but I know I can do it!! I am currently wearing a belt with my post-partum jeans, which means soon I will be back to my "bigger" pre-pregnancy jeans, and then my regular pre-pregnancy jeans, and on to my pre-pre-pregnancy jeans! haha Yay!

So I have a week and a half left of the Slim in 6 program, and I moved on to the final disk "Burn it Up" today. Wow, it's definitely a step up! I have to definitely be in-tune with my body because there is definitely a possibility of a set-back if I push myself TOO hard. That is why I chose to start with this program because if I was having a "bad day" I could go back to the previous disk and still get in a good workout. But since starting I haven't had any "bad days!" Onto the final week and half of this program! What's next? I haven't decided yet, but I'll keep you updated! :)

I'm so thrilled your sharing this journey with me! Please feel free to connect with me! If you're interested in fitness programs and Shakeology, now is a good time to check it out! You could save 25% on all products AND help others! E-mail me at for more details! :)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Where have I been? 10/15/10

Oct 15, 2010

Wow! So where have I been?? Working out and eating healthy, of course! haha But seriously, my husband started chemotherapy last week, and it was a bit of a challenge on our family. I found I HAD to put a "to-do" list on my phone to make sure I kept my meals on a schedule and got my workout in. It wasn't always an ideal time of day, but just being disciplined to get a workout in when facing such a challenge (the drive to the hospital one-way can take an hour), I feel is an accomplishment! And I'm feeling GREAT! I have found Shakeology SO helpful this week in more ways than one! Stuck at the hospital during a meal or snack time? Just bring along Shakeology and a shaker cup, and I was good to go! I don't know how I would've made it last week without it! It helps keep me fueled as well, and that was a MUST! And I'm so glad they approved my husband to continue drinking Shakeology through his chemotherapy treatments because a couple of days that was ALL he could stomach. I can't explain how grateful we have been for that!

So how are my workouts going? GREAT! I moved on to Ramp it Up even before the 2nd week was over, and I was super excited about that! Next week I'll be moving on to Burn it Up! I hear it's quite a bit more intense than Ramp it Up, but I'm ready!! Not only am I seeing a difference in my physical appearance (my "love handles" are GONE! Yes!!!), but I just feel SO much better! I put my almost 3 year old on my shoulders today and walked around the house with her! Before I started this, I would have been feeling achey and sore the minute I lifted her up! What a blessing to be able to enjoy more fun time with the kids without being in pain! Good thing, too, because my six month old has wanted nothing but being held for the past few days! haha I even added him to my workout a couple of times! Try balancing a 15lb baby while doing lunges and squats! Woo hoo! Just the fact that I CAN do that had me pumped up! :) A good way to burn off a bit of steam, too, when stress comes in. And the Slim and Limber helps me relax at the end of a long day! I'm actually looking forward to my next measurement and weigh-in day, which will be October 20th! If I don't update before then, I will surely check in on here on that day!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

6-Day Jumpstart (9/26/10)

Sept 26, 2010

So I have completed the 6-day Express Diet plan. I'm going to be totally honest - I didn't follow it to the "T." I had three sick kids, a sick husband, and then by the end of the week I got sick, too. Terrible colds. I also forgot I had to have dental work done this week, too, so that changed the order in which I had my Shakeology, but I stuck to the foods on the list. I'm SO happy with the results, though I have to say I'll be happy to put something other than green vegetables on my salad! haha It was hard to look at the carrots and not add them to my salad because I LOVE carrots on my salad! But it was very specific to green vegetable and lean meat.

The workouts have been great! I honestly wasn't sure I could commit to a 7am time for the whole week and until the day I had the fever I was able to start it between 7am - 7:30am. It was awesome! And instead of feeling tired afterwards I'd have my Shakeology and be energized and ready to go! I was able to do more with the kids and get more done around the house!! I'm just so excited where this is taking me! I'm even MORE excited that I can help others do the same! Talk about being fired up!!!

So now to the stuff beyond just the blessing of feeling better - the physical results. In just under a week I lost 6lbs, a little over 2 inches off my waist, 2 inches off my hips, and half an inch off each thigh! WOO HOO!! And those are just what I would consider my current "problem areas." I can't say whether or not the chest measurement is accurate considering that can change by time of day depending on when I last nursed my little man, so setting that aside - Total inches lost in 6 days was 5.75 inches!! YES! :) I'm excited to see what the last 5 weeks of the program will bring! I will be resuming a "normal" (but healthy) diet! I'll keep you posted! :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sharing my journey

I am transporting my former blog to share my full journey! Most of my former blogs are of  a personal nature (my personal journey), which I will continue to include as well as blogs with helpful content.

Sept 20, 2010

I have decided to start a separate blog for my fitness journey. I feel so blessed to have been introduced to the Beachbody opportunity to improve both my physical and financial fitness! I am dedicating my fitness journey to honor God by taking care of His temple (my body), taking care of my family (including the dogs), and fighting Fibromyalgia. FMS (Fibromyalgia syndrome) is very complex and can be very limited. I have definitely experienced this. I went from being an athlete to hardly being able to do anything at all. But I CAN and WILL fight it - by training my body to be fit and in good health! I hope to inspire others (with or without FMS) to do the same! I'm looking forward to sharing my journey and to the positive results I KNOW I'm going to get!
Today I started "Slim in 6." I'm very excited about this program! After reviewing everything I had available I decided this was the best way to start up. It was 3 different levels, which is perfect for someone like me! If I push myself too hard (as I've been known to do), I can experience severe Fibro flares and have a setback for WEEKS. So I have to be realistic with myself and know my body. "Slim in 6" gives me that opportunity! If I'm having a "bad" day, I can always go back to disc 1. I wouldn't feel guilty about that because I'd still be working out and putting forth my best effort. It is important to remember that you should be proud of your work if you know you're doing YOUR best! Everybody's "best" is different! We all come from different backgrounds and situations. My current status is being a 4 month postpartum breastfeeding mom (with 2 older kids) with a chronic pain disorder. And I'm ready to drop the rest of the baby weight and get in the best shape of my life and have more pain-free days! I am disciplining myself to a schedule. It's a new schedule I never thought I'd even try, but I'm motivated!! :) I know if I continue to honor God by taking care of my body, He will continue to provide me with the energy and strength I need to do so! And so I woke up before the kids to start my workout this morning! And I've set alarms on my phone to eat on a strict schedule as well to get my metabolism to its full potential.

I have also decided to kick off this 6 week workout with a 6 day jump-start meal plan. I chose the high protein jump-start plan due to the fact that I'm breastfeeding. Although I plan to stick specifically to the foods listed on the plan, I do have to take into account that I AM breastfeeding, which already burns an extra 500 calories. I obviously want to lose the baby weight, but I have to take in sufficient calories to feed my baby! The important thing is making those calories count! So I'm going to *slightly* increase the portions advised in the jump-start plan. That should give me the calories I need to keep my little guy fed and burn off this baby fat around my belly! I'll admit I'll be happy when the 6 days is over and I can eat more of a variety again! haha But this is also a good way to discipline my eating habits and get me on the right track to continue then with a healthy diet (with more variety haha).

I'm very excited to be on this journey and to be sharing it with others! I'm here to help and support others as well! Please let me know how I can help YOU! :)

For more information on me, personally, check out my personal blog at God bless!!