Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Shakeology doesn't compare!

I've been slacking on this blog/website, I know! Today I was going to write about the results I've been seeing so far with Turbo Fire - like my awesome increased flexibility. I will touch on that later, though, because there is something that's been "bugging me" if you will.

I've had many people ask me about Shakeology and how it "compares" to other "meal replacement shakes" on the market. Some have even asked how it compares to protein shakes in health food stores. The truth is - it doesn't. It's not even remotely the same! Beachbody OFFERS a meal replacement shake or protein shake that is more at the "level" of the other shakes on the market. Shakeology just isn't one of them! Some people may say I'm biased because I'm a Beachbody Coach, but the truth is I'm a Beachbody Coach BECAUSE of Shakeology. The more I learn about health and nutrition, the more I appreciate a product made of WHOLE FOODS and super foods. I don't have to take pain medication for Fibromyalgia anymore and my husband recovered quickly from a hard regiment of chemotherapy - because of the ingredients in Shakeology. It wasn't because it's a meal replacement shake or protein shake - it's because it's full of Super Foods!  I've been seeing some competing companies saying their shakes have gotten people off medications, and that might be true because those people probably weren't following ANY health or fitness regiment prior to using their product. The fact that they're using SOMETHING rather than NOTHING has helped to some degree. It is NOT because of the ingredients, though. Some of the shakes on the market don't even have a sufficient amount of vitamins/nutrients! If you're not looking to lose weight - their product isn't for you! It doesn't contain nutrients that will sustain you for lifelong nutrition.  If you're looking to lose weight AND improve health - OR just achieve better fitness and improve health - Shakeology is the way to go! Everybody has different needs, and Shakeology can encompass many of them!

"This patent-pending daily nutritional shake helps your body gently eliminate toxins more efficiently while allowing for better absorption of the essential nutrients you need. A proprietary blend of digestive enzymes and prebiotics helps your body progressively eliminate the toxins that build up over time from eating today's highly processed foods.

At the same time, whole-food ingredients deliver the essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals your body needs to curb cravings, allowing your body to shed stored fat while the more than 20 different antioxidants and phytonutrients help reduce free radical damage that can lead to heart disease, heart attacks, high blood pressure, and stroke." Excerpt directly from my Shakeology site.

"The healthiest meal of the day" truly does sum it up precisely! If you're truly looking for a comparison you have to look beyond price per serving and whatever other comparisons they try to give. Ask them this:

  • "What whole foods does it contain?" (If none, it doesn't compare AT ALL. It is in a totally different "category" of shakes.)

  • "Does it contain prebiotics?"

  • "Are the ingredients all natural?"

  • "Does it contain ingredients that are antioxidants?"

  • "Does it contain ingredients that are phytonutrients?"

  • "Does it contain amino acids?"

  • "What type of protein do they use?" (Most only offer one or two options - including soy, which we minimize or avoid in this home, and some only offer whey and no vegan version is available.)

  • "Do they contain more than 23 vitamins and minerals?"

If any of the other answers are "no" then it's simply not the same! So you have to remember to compare REAL FACTS not "pretty comparison charts." It is a premium whole foods shake - it's not MEANT to be a simple meal replacement shake or a protein shake! If it was, Beachbody wouldn't offer those 2 products as well! So let's be realistic in the comparisons!

Reasons I would be "skeptical" of meal replacement shakes on the market today:

  1. We have 3 special needs kids, and better nutrition reaps major improvement. Many "shakes" don't have that kind of nutrition or those kind of ingredients! Again, though, they claim they do, and that one personally upsets me! I've seen shakes on the market that contain questionable ingredients like the artificial sweetener sucralose (I will touch more on this subject in detail later, but for layman's terms let's call it "chlorinated sugar.") Artificial ingredients are known to INCREASE problems in children on the Autism spectrum and Sensory Processing Disorder (We have one child on the Autism spectrum and 2 with Sensory Processing Disorder). Here is one article on the subject. And this article is REALLY interesting in regards to not just artificial sweeteners, but MSGs as well! Very informative! I saw somebody once promote a product with sucralose as being good for "extra nutrition" during pregnancy. I'm non-confrontational (though I do obviously share my knowledge, views, opinions, etc. on my personal venues), so I prayed that such poor advice was disregarded! The rest of the product didn't even contain enough "nutrition" that would be good for pregnancy regardless! It's so sad what people will say/do for a quick buck. :( I strive to always give an honest opinion or advice regardless of how it affects me financially! I wish everybody had that kind of integrity!

  2. They promise results without exercising. If somebody says "lose weight without exercising," I RUN THE OTHER WAY! It's not that I believe it can't happen - it's that I believe IT'S NOT HEALTHY. You NEED physical fitness. God didn't design us to sit around sipping on shakes, taking pills, etc. and doing nothing. We were designed to honor Him in mind, spirit, AND BODY. That means we need to take care of our body! Trying to bypass something that should be a way of life to care for the temple He gave you is NOT what He had in mind! 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 ESV "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body."  and 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 ESV "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified."

  3. They promise "cures." I openly share how Shakeology has gotten me off my pain medications for Fibromylagia and helped my husband recover from a hard regiment of chemotherapy, and I TRULY believe in the ingredients, the super foods, etc., though I do not promise it will cure you of any ailment. Why? I'm NOT ALLOWED to make those claims - and neither are they! I can share personal stories, but I cannot say "you should try this because it will cure your high blood pressure, you stomach ailments, etc." I can show you proven science and share testimonies, but a statement just like that is dangerous! See FDA Health Claims information HERE. We see it all the time, though! Again, this is where integrity comes into play! Unfortunately, though, in a tough economy business have become more "cut-throat" and people will do whatever they can to get customers and clients, gain a sale, etc. I've even seen people who offer products with "chlorinated sugar" say they can help your Fibromyalgia. WOW! Sucralose triggers both my migraines AND my Fibro flare-ups. Again, it doesn't mean it won't do so for everyone, BUT claiming it can HELP your Fibromyalgia is not only contradictory to the FDA Health Claims policies it's also inaccurate and misleading and could TRULY affect someone negatively! I've seen companies that use natural ingredients also make similar claims - and again, it doesn't matter what the ingredients are - you cannot claim it offers a "cure!"

  4. Reps/consultants/retailers, etc. are PUSHY about it. Do you really want to work with someone who is pushy about getting you to buy their product - or someone who is genuinely interested in your health, open about all ingredients and information, and truly interested in finding the best fit for you? I choose the latter. If it's the former, again, I will high-tail it the other way regardless of what product they're offering me! (For me, this goes for ANY products - health related or not!) There are so many options out there it can be SO overwhelming, so do your research, and look for a caring response. If they push, push, push and don't seem to be "listening" go somewhere else (or find someone else)!

One of my friends, Debi, and a fellow Beachbody Coach, has started studies at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. She wrote such a WONDERFUL post on the benefits of Shakeology - particularly the ingredients - and I couldn't say it any better myself! In fact, it made me appreciate it that much more! Visit her post HERE, and read for yourself the fantastic, extensive ingredient list and benefits OF EACH ONE! It's amazing! I have had rather pushy people try to convince me their product is "better," where I'll have to totally disagree and say "it just doesn't compare!" As the wonderful Beachbody CEO said "It's like comparing apples and tang!"

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Well, this was a challenging week indeed! I started my water challenge, and I also decided to take it up a notch with Turbo Fire and switch from the Prep Schedule to the full schedule - starting yesterday. I'm sure I've mentioned before I was born with a hole in my heart - an Atrial Septum Defect. I lived with it until I was 16 and started noticing despite the fact that I was in many sports and conditioning just as hard as everyone else I started getting easily winded. I was also sick a lot with bronchitis. I started noticing heart palpitations as well. Because I had lived with it so long the hole had actually continued to grow and I also have some irreversible damage to my lungs due to the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood mixing in the atria since they really didn't have a wall between them anymore! My hole was the size of a half dollar when they operated on me in July of '98. I was one month away from turning 17. Though my heart is repaired I do still have the lung damage, intermittent palpitations, and overall it takes me a little longer to build up to cardio intensive workouts. Some people find it hard to believe when they look at my physical condition because they just assume working out must be easy for me. The truth is it's never EASY for me. I have to really listen to my body and modify cardio workouts when necessary in hopes that one day it WILL be EASY for me again. That's a long road, though! My heart has seen MAJOR improvement even physically! My left atrium used to be almost the size of the rest of my heart and has decreased significantly, which is usually unheard of! I still have a different "normal" than other people (which would be a long explanation of the way your "waves" look on EKGs and such), but for MY normal things are looking excellent! I always love when our bodies do things the doctors say they won't like my heart shrinking some. I know God is good! :)


So I've actually been wanting to commit to the whole Turbo Fire program for a while now (the meal plan that comes with it is absolutely amazing, too!), but I always felt a nagging that "I wasn't ready." That is why I decided to start with the Prep Schedule first - to gauge how "ready" I was. I was feeling really good, and I decided that if I can commit to the full program and need to modify that's OK! It's ALWAYS OK to modify when necessary rather than push yourself beyond where you should be. You can really hurt yourself and set yourself back by not listening to your body! I guess maybe because I was born with a heart condition and have Fibromyalgia I'm very careful to listen to my body. Don't get me wrong - I am stubborn! There is no doubt about that! Just ask my husband! haha ;) I know, though, that if I don't listen to my body, though, I can really set myself back, and my goal is to keep pushing forward! So today was my first HIIT workout, and it was the 15 min workout. It was tough for me! The first 3 drills I did well, but I ended up having to modify the rest, but you know what? I'm proud of my effort, and I'm excited for this new journey! I may have to modify for 2 weeks, a month, or more, but I'm going to keep going, and I will progressively have to modify less and less and will build up the cardio endurance that I truly NEED. So I'm glad I decided to take the leap, and I'm excited to share my journey! I know there will be ups and downs, but that's why I love to share because through my honesty you will see we ALL have ups and downs and it's not always easy! In fact, sometimes it's REALLY hard, and that's when we come together and encourage each other! :)

As for the water challenge, it's been interesting so far. I really thought if I'm not drinking other beverages I will surely drink more water. Unfortunately, that hasn't always been the case, and I still have to remind myself to drink water. One day I only had 16oz all day until I realized I only had that much and needed to drink more! So, the discipline of drinking MORE water isn't really kicking in yet and I'm actually feeling a little "blah" because now I'm also not having other beverages to add a little hydration! So I realize what needs to be done so now I'm doing it! I'm keeping more careful track of my water intake, which is definitely important, too, since I'm doing such a cardio intensive workout! So I hit a few bumps in the beginning because of this, but again, it was a learning experience, so now I can push forward! Today I got MORE than my 64 oz, so I'm definitely doing better! I have a couple of other friends taking the challenge with me, so I'll be checking in with them on Monday to see how they're doing as well! I know it's Easter so a lot of people have family gatherings, which may prove to be challenging! We will just be celebrating here at home with our little family, so I won't have that temptation, but it's been a busy week nonetheless, so I most definitely need to do a check-in with my fellow challenge participants!

I hope you have a blessed Easter!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Water Challenge

My "water challenge" started today! Wow, was it tough! It's not hard for me to drink water per se, but I had a rather emotional weekend. I tend to crave flavor when I'm emotional - things like my coffee with cream and stevia, sweet tea, green tea, orange juice, etc. I'm sure there are some that can relate - others may just think that sounds silly! haha So here is the challenge: for ONE MONTH I will drink nothing but water for my beverages. Please do NOT confuse this with a fast. I am not refraining from eating - I'm simply replacing all my daily beverages with water. No coffee, tea, juice, milk, sodas, etc. I am EXCLUDING liquid supplements from the challenge so things like Shakeology, Results and Recovery Formula, etc. are not excluded because their intention is supplementation not just drinking a beverage.

So why am I doing this? Well, I heard it on one of the Christian radio stations and it got me thinking that I'm really NOT drinking enough water right now! I believe in getting sufficient amounts of water for good health (at least 64 oz but preferably half your body weight in ounces if that is more than 64 - so if you're 150lbs for example you really should be drinking 75 oz per day). Our bodies need water to function properly. It helps flush out toxins, keep everything in balance, helps you lose weight, better daily function, better workouts (more energy), less cramps and sprains, helps digestion, healthier skin, and you're less likely to get sick. I KNOW there are wonderful benefits to drinking water! Since moving I've found I haven't gotten back into my routine of refilling my 32 oz water bottle at least twice a day. That was a perfect way for me to keep track of how much water I'm drinking. Well, it's time to start it back up - and in a big way - by accepting this challenge I'm doing an overhaul! I've been drinking so many other beverages I've barely had room for water! Not all of these other beverages are unhealthy, but they should not REPLACE my water consumption, which they have! So, this is a way for me to get back on track!

Are you ready to take this challenge with me? You don't have to worry if you've missed a day or two before you saw the challenge - just start where you are and continue for 30 days! This may be something extremely easy for you or you already do it, and that's GREAT! Please share tips that helped you to take that step and continue on that path! This may be really challenging for you. That's OK! It will be challenging for me, too! Today was HARD! I did it, though!

Some recommendations for the challenge:

  • Keep plenty of fresh, drinkable water on hand. If you have nasty tap water like we do and use a filter make sure you have plenty of already filtered water available. Having correct resources available make it harder to use an excuse like "I needed to filter more water so I grabbed some juice instead."

  • Limit unnecessary beverages in the home. If you have other family members - like in my case my husband and kids - this may not be easy, but limit as much as you can. Better yet, get your spouse on board with you for the challenge, so it makes eliminating necessary beverages easier! Kids are a little more tricky. We do already limit our kids to milk and juice with meals but water any other time. I think it's a good habit to instill because they don't NEED tons of juice or milk despite what it may seem!

  • Tap into a support group! I'm here to help! Tell other friends/family you know will support your attempts what you're doing and maybe even get them on board! It always helps to have others doing the same challenge so you can talk, vent, encourage, etc.

So here is to the next 30 days of more water and better health! :)