Wow, I really need to update more often! Things in our house have been CRAZY!! So I wrapped up Slim in 6, but all in all I didn't follow the program the way it suggests, so although I didn't get the results I was wanting as far as my weight and measurements go, it is because of me and not the program. I think it's an excellent program, and if I didn't have an extremely demanding infant or had to spend HOURS in the car driving to and from the hospital for my husband's chemotherapy treatment, I do believe I would have gotten excellent results. I mean look at the results I had in just that first week, and that was the only week I did every workout COMPLETELY as well as the Slim and 6 pack and Slim and Limber 3 times as well. I was SO excited when I was able to move up a disk, but with each disk I moved up the time of the workout increased, and sometimes I was lucky to even get 20 min of an over 60 min workout in! And the extra workouts?? Well, yeah, that wasn't happening either. As my husband was being affected by the chemo the kids were responding as well and demanding more of my attention. I'm not discouraged, and although I'm slightly disappointed (because I'm always one to question did *I* REALLY give it all I had), I think realistically I did what I could in the circumstances given. The most important thing is - I never gave up. If 20 minutes was all I could get in then I was going to get in those 20 minutes. If I had to incorporate my baby into the workout as my "baby barbell," well I did that a few times, too! :)
But the biggest reason I refuse to be disappointed? Because I FEEL GREAT! I'm getting hardly any sleep these nights, and for someone with Fibromyalgia that is almost inevitably a "prepare to be in pain" sentence. But I'm not. It's awesome! I'm considering tapering off of the one last medication I am on, but as of now I still have doctors insisting I take more let alone support me in getting off of this last one. I'm hoping to work my way through the system until I find one that is supportive of my choices. ;) The only thing I won't stop is drinking my Shakeology! When I miss a day, my energy tapers off quickly! But hey, I'm all for sticking with something so healthy and natural to get me through the day! LOVE it! I watched the movie "Food Matters," and it was REALLY an eye-opener! If you haven't seen it yet, I highly suggest it! You can instantly stream it on Netflix!
So even though my physical results aren't exactly what I had hoped, you can definitely see some changes, so I thought I'd share my "before" and "after" pics on here! I think next time I'll put on make-up and do my hair! haha I started Power 90 this week, so that is the next program on my journey, and I think it is perfect for this season of my life! The longest workout is 44 minutes. I haven't had to cut one short yet, and I'm feeling good! I'm actually a little sore from it! haha Totally different type of moves, and I think that change plus lack of sleep make me a little more susceptible to it, but I'll still take slight muscle aches from a workout over a Fibro flare any day!! I can't wait to see the results this program brings! I'll be taking measurements and photos every 30 days for the total 90 days. It's gonna be good! :) Until next time, be blessed!